Ferric Vst


Ferric Vst

Inspired by the smooth dynamic shaping capabilities of some high-end reel-to-reel tape recorders, FerricTDS – Tape Dynamics Simulator offers dynamics processing, 2 saturation modes and limiting.
Usage tips:
-Use the TRIM knob to level the outgoing audio and for handy A/B comparisons
-For optimum processing and results, the input level to the plug-in could be
adjusted to peak around 0dBFS
-Alternatively, use the INPUT adjustment knob to bring the incoming signal onto
duty level (plug-in internally)
-Use <ctrl> + mouse left click on a knob or switch to restore default position
-Use <shift> + mouse left click on a knob to fine adjust values
-Use this plug-in as an insert effect in any mono or stereo channel of your VST

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(15 votes, average: 8.93 out of 10)

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Download: FerricTDS – Tape Dynamics Simulator

Inspired by the smooth dynamic shaping capabilities of some high-end reel-to-reel tape recorders, FerricTDS – Tape Dynamics Simulator offers dynamics processing, 2 saturation modes and limiting.
Usage tips:
-Use the TRIM knob to level the outgoing audio and for handy A/B comparisons
-For optimum processing and results, the input level to the plug-in could be
adjusted to peak around 0dBFS
-Alternatively, use the INPUT adjustment knob to bring the incoming signal onto
duty level (plug-in internally)
-Use <ctrl> + mouse left click on a knob or switch to restore default position
-Use <shift> + mouse left click on a knob to fine adjust values
-Use this plug-in as an insert effect in any mono or stereo channel of your VST

Ferric Tds Vst


Ferrictds Vst Download 64 Bit

(15 votes, average: 8.93 out of 10)
Ferrictds vst download 64 bit

Ferric Vst


Download: FerricTDS – Tape Dynamics Simulator