Jdk 1.8 For Android Studio



  1. Jdk 1.8 For Android Studio 64-bit
  2. Jdk 1.8 Is Missing Android Studio

This article illustrates how to update the Java Development Kit (JDK) version on Windows and Mac.

Installing Android Studio 2 and Java JDK 8 on Windows 10. To the programming and developing Android app applications, you will need the Android Studio. Java 8 language feature support (Android Gradle Plugin 3.0.0+) To start using supported Java 8 language features, update the Android plugin to 3.0.0 (or higher). After that, for each module that uses Java 8 language features (either in its source code or through dependencies), update the module's build.gradle file, as shown below: Groovy Kotlin. Open Visual Studio and update the Java Development Kit Location to point to the new JDK under Tools Options Xamarin Android Settings Java Development Kit Location: Be sure to restart Visual Studio after updating the location. Download JDK 8 (1.8) from the Oracle website: Open the.dmg file and run the.pkg installer. Installing Android Studio (IDE) is probably the most challenging part. It takes times - from 30 minutes to n hours to forever - depending on your luck, your programming knowledge, and your PC. You probably need a fairly decent PC (with 8GB RAM) and 10GB of free disk space to run the Android emulator!!! Running on 'actual'.



Xamarin.Android uses the Java Development Kit (JDK) to integrate withthe Android SDK for building Android apps and running the Androiddesigner. The latest versions of the Android SDK (API 24 and higher)require JDK 8 (1.8). Alternately, you can install theMicrosoft Mobile OpenJDK Preview.The Microsoft Mobile OpenJDK will eventually replace JDK 8 for Xamarin.Androiddevelopment.

To update to the Microsoft Mobile OpenJDK, seeMicrosoft Mobile OpenJDK Preview.To update to JDK 8, follow these steps:

Jdk 1.8 For Android Studio 64-bit

  1. Download JDK 8 (1.8) from the Oracle website:

  2. Pick the 64-bit version to allow rendering ofcustom controlsin the Xamarin Android designer:

  3. Run the .exe and install the Development Tools:

  4. Open Visual Studio and update the Java Development Kit Locationto point to the new JDK under Tools > Options > Xamarin > AndroidSettings > Java Development Kit Location:


Be sure to restart Visual Studio after updating the location.

  1. Download JDK 8 (1.8) from the Oracle website:

  2. Open the .dmg file and run the .pkg installer: Install slax on usb mac.

Jdk 1.8 Is Missing Android Studio

Mac OS will automatically set the new JDK version as the default byupdating /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/Current.You can then double-check that the Java SDK (JDK) location is set tothe expected default of /usr under Visual Studio for Mac > Preferences >Projects > SDK Locations > Android > Locations > Java SDK (JDK) Location: