- Color Gradient Across Multiple Cells Excel File
- How To Apply Color Gradient Across Multiple Cells
- Excel Color Gradient Across Multiple Cells
- Excel Color Gradient Across Multiple Cells
I'm creating a scorecard for sales and would like to use conditional formatting to visually enhance. For each percentage score reached, an if statement creates a comment ('premium', needs improvement' etc) each of the 5 possible comments has a number 1-5 associated with it. In A77 a Vlookup formula takes the statement from B76 and assigins the 1-5 value. I would like to use numbers 1-5 to create the a three color cond format that uses the min-midpoint-max gradient to shade the statement in B76. Have tried formula entries etc but not working. Any possibility to do this?
thanks in advance, Bill
I'm creating a scorecard for sales and would like to use conditional formatting to visually enhance. For each percentage score reached, an if statement creates a comment ('premium', needs improvement' etc) each of the 5 possible comments has a number 1-5 associated with it. In A77 a Vlookup formula takes the statement from B76 and assigins the 1-5 value. I would like to use numbers 1-5 to create the a three color cond format that uses the min-midpoint-max gradient to shade the statement in B76. Have tried formula entries etc but not working. Any possibility to do this?
thanks in advance, Bill
Color Gradient Across Multiple Cells Excel File
How To Apply Color Gradient Across Multiple Cells
Excel Color Gradient Across Multiple Cells
Excel Color Gradient Across Multiple Cells
Excel for Mac: Adding a pattern over pre-existing color formats Hello, My question is whether or not there is a way to make Excel in Office for Mac 2011 apply a pattern over a set column of rows without disrupting the already existing color fills in those cells (the rows differ in color depending on their content). The shade of the color represents the value in the cell. To add a color scale, execute the following steps. On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click Conditional Formatting. Click Color Scales and click a subtype. Explanation: by default, for 3-Color scales, Excel calculates the 50th percentile (also known as median.