A really important part of playing The Sims 4 is working on relationships with other sims and growing friendships with family members and friends. The sims isn’t the most fun if your sims don’t have any friends or someone to share their life with!
The Sims 4: Cats & Dogs expansion pack isn’t just about the addition of pets, as a number of new items have also been included. Most notably is the introduction of the Robot Vacuum, which is used for cleaning up things such as poo, throw up, hair, and even messes made by toddlers and children. However, that’s not all that the vacuum can be.
Create a variety of cats and dogs, add them to your Sims’ homes to forever change their lives, and care for neighborhood pets as a veterinarian with The Sims™ 4 Cats & Dogs. The powerful new Create A Pet tool lets you personalize cats and dogs, each with their own unique appearances, distinct behaviors, and — for the first time. Grant Rodiek, a producer on The Sims 4 Expansion Packs has confirmed that Cats & Dogs WON’T be playable like in The Sims 3 Pets. He basically said that Pets will have a mind of their own, like in The Sims 2 Pets. It was a think that was debated for months by The Sims Team but Grant is confident that the team has made the right decision of.
Sometimes working on these relationships can be a lot of work and have you inviting a sim over every single day just to stay friends. Thankfully, there are relationship cheats for The Sims 4 that you can use to skip the process of gaining these relationships organically.
How to Enable Cheats
Before you are able to use any of these relationship cheats you must enable cheats. You can do this by first opening up the cheat dialogue box by hitting ctrl + shift + c on your keyboard. Then type in testingcheats true and hit enter. This is going to enable cheats and if it works it will say cheats are enabled.
How to Cheat Friendship
If you are trying to increase the friendship between two sims you are going to use this cheat:
- ModifyRelationship Sim1 Sim2 Amount LTR_Friendship_Main
I totally understand that a cheat like that can be confusing so let’s do an example. If you wanted to increase Bob and Eliza Pancakes’s friendship by 100 points the cheat is going to look like this:
- ModifyRelationship Bob Pancakes Eliza Pancakes 100 LTR_Friendship_Main
The first sim name is going to be the name of the sim you are currently controlling and you need the first and last name with a space in between. Make sure that you spell them correctly! Then, the number is the amount of relationship you’d wish to give this can be any number from 1 to 100.
These cheats work on a points system so if you fill the number with 100 it will add 100 friendship points, not fill the bar too 100%.
Cats And Dogs Veterinary Clinic
To decrease your friendship with another sim you are going to use the exact same cheat but you are going to change the number from a positive number to a negative. So, for example if you wanted to decrease by 50 relationship points for Bob and Eliza Pancakes you would have a cheat that looks like this:
- ModifyRelationship Bob Pancakes Eliza Pancakes -50 LTR_Friendship_Main
How to Cheat Romance
The romance cheats are going to work exactly the same as the friendship cheat, except in the cheat you are going to change friendship to romance. It will look something like this:
- ModifyRelationship Sim1 Sim2 Amount LTR_Romance_Main
If you wanted to increase the relationship by 50 for Bob and Eliza Pancakes you would have a cheat that looks like this:

- ModifyRelationship Bob Pancakes Eliza Pancakes 50 LTR_Romance_Main
You can also use this to decrease romance by whatever amount by changing the number to be a negative number instead.
How to Cheat Pet Relationships
You also have the option to use a friendship cheat with your pets if you have The Sims 4: Cats and Dogs to increase your relationship with them. This cheat is very similar to the cheat for humans with a small thing added. It looks like this:
- ModifyRelationship SimName PetName Amount LTR_SimtoPet_Friendship_Main
You want to fill the Sim name with the name of the sim you are currently controlling and the pet name is the name of your pet. Just like the sim to sim cheats the amount is how many points you wish to add to your relationship. Here’s an example of Bob Pancakes becoming friends with a dog that Eliza decided to adopt named Prissy.
- ModifyRelationship Bob Pancakes Prissy 100 LTR_SimtoPet_Friendship_Main
Just like with the sim cheats you are also able to use these to decrease relationships by changing the number to a negative number, so -100 or -50 instead. Knights of xentar code wheel.
Final Thoughts

Cheating relationships is seriously my favorite thing to do when creating a new family or working on a save file. EA really failed me in making people have friends in the game, like why do Bob and Eliza not have any friends when you load the game? Well, I like to meet people and then cheat it instead. It’s great! Happy Playing!
Cats And Dogs Schilde
What is the cheat to age up a dog in Sims 4?
Sims 4 Cats & Dogs: How to Age Up Pets –
Do pets age up automatically in Sims 4?

Ever since the announcement of The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs simmers have been wondering how pet aging would function and what options for aging will we get in the game. You cannot manually age Pets up. They will age naturally.
How do I force my Sims to age up in Sims 4?
Once this menu is open, type “testingcheatstrue” and then input “cas. fulleditmode.” After this, shift click on the Sim you wish to age up and select “Modify in CAS.” In here, you’ll see that you can input any age within the game that you’d like and that transition will happen immediately after.
Do dogs die in The Sims 4?
Pets can only die of old age in The Sims 4: Cats & Dogs. Sims can serve a deceased pet an Ambrosia treat to resurrect them. Like Sims, if a pet’s tombstone isn’t visited often, their spirit will begin to fade away and will eventually cease to exist.
How long do pets take to age up Sims 4?
Why Can't I Get Sims 4 Cats And Dogs
If you set the lifespan to normal you can expect the puppies and kittens to grow up in 3 days. The adult life stage last for 25 days and elder pets don’t have an exact number of days.
Can you be a vet in Sims 4?
Becoming a Vet in Sims 4 is a very easy process, however; you cannot directly choose Vet as a Career by normal means. You need to have a steady bank before you can start a Vet clinic. To start a Vet clinic, you need to head to the cash register interface and buy a Vet Clinic.

Can pets on Sims 4 have babies?
In The Sims 4: Cats & Dogs, dogs and cats can have litters of 1-3 offspring, depending on space in the household and randomness. To breed two animals, a Sim must first become friends with one of them. The two pets have to be friendly with each other or else one of the pets will just walk away.
How do you feed a pet age up treat?
Sims 4 Cats & Dogs: How to Age Up Pets –
How do you force a Sim to age up?
Sims 4 Age Up Cheat. How to Force Aging? [2020]

- Open a console by pressing “CTRL+SHIFT+C”.
- Enter “testingcheats true” to enable Sims 4 cheats.
- Type in the Sims 4 age up cheat – “cas.fulleditmode on”.
- Press “ESC” to close the console.
- Click on your sim while holding “SHIFT” down.
- Select “Modify in CAS” option.
- Choose the desired age stage.
- Press “Play”.
Can you age down a Sim in Sims 4?
Yes, you can use the cas. fulleditmode cheat and then change your sim’s look and age. Type that (after you used testingcheats true) and shift-click on the sim you want to change. You’ll see the regular sim creation menu that you also see when you make a new sim.
Can you age up a SIM before their birthday?
Using the testingcheatsenabled true, players can age up Sims by shift-clicking one and choose the “Trigger Age Transition.” That way, players can make them die from old age instantly as well. Throwing a birthday party and blowing out candles on the cake will give positive moodlets.
Can pets go through doors Sims 4?
There’s a whistle icon on the bottom which will call your Cat / Dog over to your Sim. Toddlers won’t crawl through the doggy doors but they will be able to walk through them. You can lock cat doors. Kittens and puppies won’t be able to go upstairs.
Can Pets Die Sims 4?
Sims 4 Cats And Dogs Won't Work
Pets can only die of old age in The Sims 4: Cats & Dogs. Sims can serve a deceased pet an Ambrosia treat to resurrect them. Like Sims, if a pet’s tombstone isn’t visited often, their spirit will begin to fade away and will eventually cease to exist.
Can pets die in the Sims?
How To Download Sims 4 Cats And Dogs
Death. In The Sims: Unleashed, pets, like Sims, do not age and have indefinite life spans. They can die, and have their own gravestones, but death is not inevitable for them.