Dead Cells


  1. Dead Cells Switch
  2. Dead Cells Game
  3. Dead Cells Crack
  4. Dead Cells Adrenaline

Dead Cells is an action/platformer/roguelite game developed by Motion Twin, a French independent developer based in Bordeaux. It's available on all current gaming platforms. This subreddit is here for anyone wanting to discuss the game. Everyone is welcome to participate! Please read the rules before you post but don't be shy, come say hi! Dead Cells puts you in control of a failed alchemic experiment trying to figure out what's happening on a sprawling, ever-changing and seemingly cursed Island. Tough but fair combat, responsive. 1 General information 1.1 Access and exit 1.2 Guarded treasure room 1.3 Level characteristics 1.3.1 Scrolls 1.3.2 Enemy tier and gear level scaling 1.4 Loot and shops 1.4.1 Main level 1.4.2 Boss Stem Cells rewards 2 Exclusive blueprints 2.1 Secret areas 2.2 Enemy blueprints 3 Enemies 4 Lore 4.1 Journal 4.2 Letter and bloody plant 5 Gallery 6 History The Fractured Shrines can be entered from.

Dead Cells isn’t just a rogue-lite action-platformer, there’s also some Metroidvania DNA in this brutally difficult little game. Every area that you explore has one, two or three exit doors you can use. There’s a standard path, and then there’s a whole bunch of optional areas with totally new enemies — and in one particular case, all new mechanics.

You might not realize how many bonus areas there are in this game. There are a whole lot, and we’ve put together a quick guide explaining how to access each zone. You’ll need runes to access these optional areas — check the rune location guide in the link bank below for all the details. Search for a passage that uses the specific runes listed in this guide, and you’ll always find a door to one of the extra areas.

Dead cells runesDead

More Dead Cells guides on Gameranx:

How To Access Every Area | Hidden & Optional Areas Guide

There are 13 areas (or biomes) in Dead Cells, and each tiered area usually has a standard exit, and an optional exit leading to a special location that isn’t required. The standard exit doesn’t require any runes, while the special, secret, or optional exits almost always require one of the four rune powers.

  • Prison Quarters:
    • Leads To: Promenade of the Damned (Standard, No Runes)
    • Leads To: Toxic Sewers (Vine Rune)
  • Promenade of the Damned:
    • Leads To: Ramparts (Standard, No Runes)
    • Leads To: Ossuary (Teleportation Rune)
    • Leads To: Prison Depths (Spider Rune)
  • Toxic Sewers:
    • Leads To: Ramparts (Standard, No Runes)
    • Leads To: Ancient Sewers (Ram Rune)
  • Ramparts:
    • Leads To: Black Bridge (Standard, No Runes, Concierge Boss)
    • Leads To: Insufferable Crypt (Requires 3 Boss Source Cells)
  • Prison Depths:
    • Leads To: Ossuary (Standard, No Runes)
  • Ancient Sewers:
    • Leads To: Insufferable Crypt (Standard, No Runes, Watcher Boss)
  • Ossuary:
    • Leads To: Black Bridge (Standard, No Runes)
  • Black Bridge: (Concierge Boss)
    • Leads To: Stilt Village (Standard, No Runes)
    • Leads To: Slumbering Sanctuary (Spider Rune)
  • Insufferable Crypt: (Watcher Boss)
    • Leads To: Slumbering Sanctuary (Standard, No Runes)
    • Leads To: Graveyard (Spider Rune)
  • Stilt Village:
    • Leads To: Clock Tower (Standard, No Runes)
    • Leads To: Forgotten Sepulcher (Teleportation Rune)
  • Slumbering Sanctuary:
    • Leads To: Clock Tower (Standard, No Runes)
    • Leads To: Forgotten Sepulcher (Standard, No Runes)
  • Graveyard:
    • Leads To: Forgotten Sepulcher (Standard, No Runes)
  • Clock Tower:
    • Leads To: Clock Room (Standard, No Runes, Time Keeper Boss)
  • Forgotten Sepulcher:
    • Leads To: Clock Room (Standard, No Runes, Time Keeper Boss)
  • Clock Room: (Time Keeper Boss)
    • Leads To: High Peak Castle (Standard, No Runes)
  • High Peak Castle:
    • Leads To: Throne Room (Standard, No Runes, Hand of the King Boss)

If you love gaming, playing dozens of different games comes at its price. While it’s true that you get to enjoy a lot of different games, you start to notice the problems inherent in those games. Dead Cells is setting out to change all that. This refreshing platformer is so cleverly made, you could replay it a dozen times and still only scratch the surface of what it’s about. Call of duty 1 no cd crack for mac. In this game, you are playing a decapitated corpse that has been reanimated for the purpose of running through these levels.

Breathtaking Detail

One of the first things that stand out in the game is the beautiful and intricate backdrops. Every detail is well done. The graphics are beautiful for an action platformer, but it isn’t just the visuals that are detailed. The platforms itself are set up so that no matter how many times you run through it, you’ll discover something new and unique.

Dead Cells Switch

This is perhaps the best feature of the game. You will always end up with unexpected new items, and never know quite what you’ll face—the zones are procedurally generated very much like Spelunky. If you’ve played that, you’ll know what to expect from this game. Instead, you’ll have to rely on your knowledge of what the game is like so you don’t end up smashing face first into a spiked wall or fall into other traps.

Balance of risk and reward

It’s really fun to go fast in the game. The game makes running, jumping, and attaining high speeds really easy. There are a lot of open spaces that scream at you to just zoom along at high speeds, but this is deceptive. There’s always a trap around the next corner that will punish those who aren’t cautious, and “death” sends you back to the beginning.Despite this, it’s amazing how easy it is to forget about these traps, because going fast is so tempting.

Somewhat cheesy storyline

Dead Cells

Perhaps this games only weakness is the storyline. The game never explains why you were reanimated, or what the purpose of running this gauntlet of horrors over and over again will achieve. The game is filled with humorous references, but these often feel a bit forced. As an example, at one point the character finds “Git Gud” enscribed on a wall.He does his familiar shrug and says it’s probably an incantation. These are meant to be funny, but often fall just short.This is one of the few faults of the game, and frankly a storyline isn’t all that necessary to have fun when there’s so much going for this game.

Don’t let the lack of story stop you from playing this game. Blasting around the game is fun, and the fact that it continuously changes means it won’t feel like grinding even if you’re busted back to level 1 again. This game is a must play for anyone who loves platformers, and who wishes that all the good points of your favorite games could come together into one, fresh, new one.

Dead Cells Game

Pros: Getspc apk.

Dead CellsCells

Dead Cells Crack

  • Intuitive controls
  • Beautiful backdrops
  • Runs always feel fresh and new


  • Storyline isn’t all that well done

Dead Cells Adrenaline

Overall rating: 9