Bin Weevils Discord


Well, this is it.

  1. Bin Weevils Discord
  2. Binweevils Discord

Bin weevils has officially hit the end of the road.

A private server for Club Penguin. Not affiliated with Disney in any way, hang out and meet new friends! 133,292 members. Weevils is a family-friendly game that is appropriate for nearly any age. It takes only a couple of minutes to learn and about 20 minutes to play. Included in the game are difficulty variants, rules for solo-play, and a scoring mode to keep Weevils exciting and challenging every time.

If you didn’t know already, Bin Weevils runs off a software called Adobe Flash Player which is used for all sorts of games. As some of you may know now Flash has shut down and discontinued which means Bin Weevils has officially shut down.

It’s sad to see but I know I have many happy memories on the game that I will remember for future generations. Like when I emailed BW and said “how do i become a moderortor, HOW?!” In those exact words haha. God I was a stupid young lad.

I’ve had so many memories on BW. Good and bad really. I had three best friends on there who I’ll always remember. Bella966, Aaysha3 and emmajean2222.

Let’s also not forget the legacies which are the amazing: (Be prepared for a LONGGG list)


– Sponggoo

– Trropical

Bin Weevils Discord

– Dancingjellybaby

– hf556

– misty_dayz

– Jjs

– monty200

– mrmacow

– Happyseahorse

– Jackdude148

– Farr

– sid3300

– Sweets66

– Weevisla

– Yar8696

– itskenny

– Neve250

– Tikkles

– Vxlid

Bin Weevils Discord

– Bandit

Bin Weevils Discord

Also to all of the mods who kept BW up and running at it’s peak, held many events for us, told us stories, helped us grow up a bit more and taught us about consequences for our actions? Thank you all so much. Maybee, drewbian, Swathe, Unicron, James, Tombalol, Kitpoka, gene_simmons, Gnu, Gubbins, Jellydisco21, NicolasCaverna and lastly, the founder of BW, We were sad to see him leave but thank you to you, trickster77. All of the ones listed kept the community that was BW up and running and I can’t thank you enough.

I’ve had many memories in the bin weevils community, that’s for sure. I won’t even not admit I shed a little tear writing this. BW was my childhood and probably many of yours too, I grew up playing this and it’s one of the reasons why I’m good at I.T now. I’ll attach some fond memories below.

Well, that’s it.

My last farewell to you all.

DiscordBinweevils discord

Just a sidenote, I’m in a server with MANY OG members of the BW community in and they’re doing a BW rewritten!

Binweevils Discord

Join here:

Well, cya!

  • Alfie2470 (find me on discord at xAlfi_ee#1234)