Neopets Intelligence


Neopets Intelligence Weapons The Battledome allows you to send your Neopet into battle, against other people's pets (two-player battling) or against a variety of one-player challengers controlled by the computer. Also, try to pick a Neopet that isn't a Grundo, a Krawk, or a Draik that's been hatched from an egg. All these Neopets start with an intelligence of 'dim-witted.' They will take longer to get smart. The most obvious part in making a smart Neopet. There are so many books! Try to find cheaper books first. Posted January 7, 2017. I believe the MAX for the BD stats page is 750, because the other 3 stats; str, def, movement, max out at 750. Well, I don't know of anything that needs more than 201 movement, but 750 fills the bar completely green. My peophin's INT is 2161. The Daily Neopets Item Database is a complete items database with information about Neopets colors, emotions, weapons icons, and more. Elixir of Intellect - Neopets Item Database Toggle Navigation.

If you did not join Neopets Battleground of the Obelisk plot then do not worry! Neopets Battleground of the Obelisk has continued and gives you the opportunity to face some easy to tough opponents. Join one of the six fractions in Neopets Battleground of the Obelisk; to battle your way into victory and for your chance to win a boon, avatar or more.

How to Enter

Every Monday you are given the chance to pick out of 3 randomly selected fractions for your chance to win prizes. You are given 3 days to pick which fraction you wish to be in.

The fighting begins every Thursday and you must complete 10 fights in order to qualify for the boons. You can choose any of the opponents difficulties to qualify.

To enter click here and select which fraction you wish to participate in. It is always a good idea to go to the boards and see what others are joining, (especially if you are needing the avatars.)

Once the skirmish opens fight your 10 battles or more if you wish.

If your fraction did not win you will still walk away with an item.

The Opponents

Each fraction has 5 opponents that you can challenge. Each opponent’s is different in abilities and difficulty.

The Sway:

Charming SubversiveNefarious


Order of The Red Erisim:

Rasala the Bright

Minor Warlock
Licensed Conjurer

Master Wizard

Brute Squad

Commander Flint


Back Alley Bruiser

Brutal Mercenary

Unyielding Sentinel


Professor Lambert

Assistant Scientist

Smug Philosopher

Stalwart Explorer

Genius Inventor


Lanie and Lillie

Grumpy Mummy

Zombie Hooligan

Ghostly Knight

Unchained Monster

Boons and their Effects

Not every fraction will award you will each boon so you need to pick wisely in association with what boon you are after. The following key will help you with what fraction awards which boon.
(Thieves: T, Sway: S, Red Erisim: R, Brute: B, Seekers: Sk )

The Awakened have no boon that are specific to them as they are randomised.


Bank Bribery
Your interest rate at the bank will be increased by 3% of its normal rate.

(S & Sk)

Black Market Goods
Shows and highlights r83+ items in shop restocks that are not shown to those without the boon. You can also get more items restocking using this boon.


Book Smarts
You will receive two or four points of intelligence instead of the standard one point when you read your pet a book.


You will be guided to the treasure of the Faerie Caverns, you only need to follow the directions that it tells you to go.


Cheaper by the Dozen
Usually you can only buy stocks that are at 15np or higher but with this boon you can buy stocks from 10np. (T & S)

Doctor Who?
Using this boon will cure any disease your pet will get. ( Just use the healing spring instead) (R &Sk)

This boon increases the chance of you being allowed to use one-use items in the Battledome a second time.

(T, R & B)

Double Bubble
There is a chance that using this boon will allow your healing potion to be re-filled when you use it on a pet.


You are able to use 9 weapons in the battle dome instead of the usual 8 with this boon.


Five-Finger Discount
You are given a 10% discount at Neopian shops but not user shops.

When battling you are able to give another 10% of damage to your opponent. (can be effective especially with Punchbag Bob.)


For only the duration of the boon, you are able to steal another avatar off someone else.

To do so: Click on a users active avatar on the Neoboards. A label “Pilfered” will appear on the stolen avatar and it can be swapped with other avatars as well. However, the person you stole the avatar from will still have it but you will only have it for a short amount of time.

It does not count towards your Neoboard avatar score.


Refreshed Quest Request
If you have a faerie quest you can swap it for another one.

This can be very useful if you are trying to stay away from a certain skill or want a specific one.

Note: You can get the crafting faerie by refreshing and she only wants NC items. She does not award skill points, only a NC item.

(S & R)

Right Round Round Round
Allows you to spin all the wheels twice before having to wait the usual time. The wheel are as follows;
(Excitement, Extravagance, Knowledge, Mediocrity, Misfortune and Monotony)(B & Sk)

Scratch Master
You do not have to wait the usual time between purchasing a second scratch card. You can buy two before having to wait with this boon.

(T & B)

Strength of Mind
You can use this ability “Mind Blast” one per battle to use your Intelligence points to calculate the damage done until the boon wears off.


That Millionaire Feeling
This is a useles boon. It is suggested to NOT use it as it only raises the TP limit to 2,000,000 np. It is useless because the trading post now automatically does that.


Full PocketsPremium only
If you have premium you can use this boon to get more Neopoints when you scratch the card.

Premium DreamiumPremium only
If you have premium you are able to send 4 scores each day until the boon runs out instead of the usual 3 per day.

Winning a round with your fraction allows you to choose a boon ( or two if you have premium) and you are awarded with an avatar and site theme. The following fractions give you avatars once they have won ( if you chose that fraction.)

Battleground: Awakened
Participate in the Battleground of the Obelisk and be a member of the Awakened when they win.
Battleground: Brute Squad
Participate in the Battleground of the Obelisk and be a member of the Brute Squad when they win.
Battleground: Seekers
Participate in the Battleground of the Obelisk and be a member of the Seekers when they win.
Battleground: The Order
Participate in the Battleground of the Obelisk and be a member of the Order of the Red Erisim when they win.
Battleground: The Sway
Participate in the Battleground of the Obelisk and be a member of the Sway when they win.
Battleground: Thieves Guild
Participate in the Battleground of the Obelisk and be a member of the Thieves Guild when they win.


Your pet is arguably the most important part of the BD. From training your pet to become stronger to blessing your pet with the power of the faeries, your pet has a big impact on it’s fight in the battledome. A better pet will be able to deal more damage, defend themselves from more damage, and withstand more damage to dominate their opponent. Your quick ref page shows everything about your pets. Here’s an example of what you’ll see:

Species : Ixi

Neopets Intelligence Level

Colour : Snot
Gender : Male
Age : 458 days
Level :

Neopets Intelligence Battledome


Health : 17 / 26
Mood : content
Hunger : very full
Strength : GREAT (27)
Defence : armoured
Move : mach 1
Intelligence : average


These are often referred to as your pet’s stats. The stronger your pet is, the more damage it can do; the more defence it has, the better it can defend itself from attacks; when your health reaches 0, you lose the fight. To make these stats better, you have to train your pet.

At the bottom there is a link to you pet’s abilities. Each round of a BD fight, you must choose one of your pet’s abilities to use. Your pet has some default abilities that don’t appear here, but you can use them in the BD. The best abilities are called faerie abilities because you have to bless your pet with a bottled faerie to get them. These are the abilities that show up here. From your selection of faerie abilities, you can choose only 7 of them to be active at one time.

Before you go into a fight, make sure your pet is at full hit points (health). You can go to the healing springs every half hour for a free chance at healing your pet or you can use different healing potions to heal your pet. Your pet must also be fed (not hungry) in order to fight. You can get free food every day at the giant omelette and the giant jelly. Your pet must also be healthy (not sick). If your pet is sick, the healing springs is your best option to get your pet healed, but it might take a few tries.

Neopets Stats

Let’s go over your pet’s stats and what they do in the battledome. Some stats are very important, others, not so much. To make your stats better, you have to train them.

Hit Points

Your health is measured in hit points. When your hp runs out, you lose the fight. Simple as that. You will see hp not as one number, but two. It will look something like this: 17 / 26. That means that your pet has 17 hit points remaining out of a possible 26 total points. The first number, your hp remaining, changes a lot. It’s the number that changes during a fight or when you get blasted by the snowager. Just make sure you heal back up to your maximum hp, the second number, before you begin a fight. Your maximum hp doesn’t change much. It doesn’t go down when you’re in a battle and must be trained to go up. In most cases, when people talk about hp, they mean your max hp unless they say otherwise.

Strength and Defence

Strength and defence both work the same way. The more strength you have, the more damage you’ll do. The more defence you have, the more you’ll be able to defend. However, instead of increasing gradually like you would expect, the ammount of damage you can deal or defend increases in what are commonly called boosts.

  • Boost – Multiplier
  • 0 – 0.5
  • 8 – 0.75
  • 13 – 1.0
  • 20 – 1.25
  • 35 – 1.5
  • 55 – 2.0
  • 85 – 2.5
  • 125 – 3.0
  • 200 – 4.5
  • 250 – 5.5
  • 300 – 6.5
  • 350 – 7.5
  • 400 – 8.5
  • 450 – 9.75
  • 500 – 11.0
  • 550 – 12.0
  • 600 – 13.0
  • 650 – 14.0
  • 700 – 15.0

Strength boosts are very important in the battledome. The ammount of damage you can do is directly dependent upon you strength boost. The amount of damage does not increase smoothly. Instead, it increases in the steps called boosts in the list to the left. A pet will do the same amount of damage at 125 strength as they will with 199 strength. As soon as that pet had 200 strength, it will do more damage. Any pet with strength between 125 and 199 is said to have the 125 strength boost.


To find out the amount of damage you will do (measured in hp), take the number of icons your weapons do times the multiplier for your strength boost. This will give you your base damage.

  • 6 icons x 125 str (3.0) = 18 hp base damage
  • 6 icons x 199 str (3.0) = 18 hp base damage
  • 6 icons x 200 str (4.5) = 27 hp base damage

These boosts also work the same way for defence. Take the Leaf Shield as an example. It defends 5 icons of earth. What that means is that is someone does 20 damage of earth to you and you use the Leaf Shield and you have the 85 defence boost (2.5), you will block 12.5 damage (5 x 2.5).

Neopets Intelligence


Unlike the other stats, your level has no direct effect on a battle. Instead, it limits other aspects of your pet. For example, you can only train your pet’s strength up to twice you level in the training schools. Then, to keep training, you have to increase you level. In the case of faerie abilities, your pet has to be a certain level or the faeries don’t bless your pet.

Movement and Intelligence

Movement and intelligence have a very limited impact ont he BD. Until recently, they did absolutely nothing! However, since the introduction of Brightvale, some new weapons have emerged that have different movement and intelligence requirements for some of their effects. So far, none of them have really been amazing, but who knows what could come of them in the future.